Wills & probate

A well-drafted Will removes uncertainty about the destination of assets after death.  Sensible and workable provisions for children and other vulnerable relatives can be made.  Opportunities can be taken to reduce Inheritance Tax.  We prepare a full range of Wills, from more straightforward family Wills to complex Wills embodying trust arrangements.

We administer estates, guiding you through Probate Registry and Inland Revenue requirements, ensuring the estate is processed in line with regulations, and that any Inheritance Tax payable is kept to a minimum.

Tax services

We advise on the full range of personal tax issues, including complex aspects of Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax and Stamp Duty Land Tax, and the use of available exemption and reliefs.

Powers of attorney

Recent legal changes allow significant delegation of power to manage assets and personal welfare decisions, using a Lasting Power of Attorney. This option can be particularly attractive to elderly clients.  The background considerations and the paperwork to achieve this are complex, and we can take the strain away from this process.

Max Wiley & Co Solicitors
13a Fish Hill
Norfolk NR25 6HN

SRA Number 0077342
Established 1993

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